How to Know If You Are Doing a Good Job For Your Work

(track your progress easily)

Everybody wants to be able to do a good job on their work.

Most of us wants to provide value or service to the table, and in exchange we get money from the labor we did.

But working consistently on a project doesn’t always come easy if you don’t get clear on what is the purpose or the bigger why to do it.

If you procrastinate a lot on your tasks and is delaying it to finish, that is when you know that you might hate your job.

How To Know You Make Progress Consistently at Work (and Excel it In)

1) Working on your passion

When I’m doing tasks that I don’t like, I easily procrastinate until the last few days to get it done. Then have no idea if I’m really making progress in what I do.

I just go with the flow and hope for the best.

This is still okay as long as I finish the task before the deadline.

But there are times when this doesn’t feel good whenever I complete a task. Yes, I am glad to make it through the tasks, however often feeling lost of why am I doing it in the beginning.

And knowing that I have to go through more of these working patterns tires me, just by thinking.

The kind of timings, where you feed yourself negativity and it just doesn’t help.

So you have to work on what you choose, and continue to make it through.

You either change your mindset, or nothing’s going to get done. I have gone through a lot of cycles like this and didn’t know what’s a better workflow on being efficient.

If you don’t want to slack on a task given, there are two things you need to know:

  • understand why do you delay it to start/finish
  • change your mindset to adapt

When you hate a task, it’s because you can’t get clear on what you want from it. So you hate the progress and wants to throw it away entirely. This happens when you stop visioning your future goal and no longer able to do the work happily in the present.

Having a different goal in life is okay but you need to get clear on what path are you making.

If you want to work in a good mode, make sure you’re at least incorporating something you like in the element of work. This helps you work creatively and less fixated on technicalities you encounter when you learn the skills.

That is why working on your own passion makes you feel alive to do the job.

And you actively try to do something that can move you to do excellent work. Without anybody forcing you to do it.

You become the force and energy of your own project.

There are still going to be challenges along the way tackling your passion project, but you will work it through more easily than others when you (1) get clear on your purpose of doing it, (2) learn to adapt new mindset and knowledge.

You get to see the gaps that will make you reach the next milestone when working on something you love. So discover what makes you love your work or try envisioning a good goal to let you handle it with consistent results.

2) Allow rest to happen

It’s important to take shifts on any activities you do because your mind is constantly in use mode. It needs a refresh to generate you better ideas and workflow.

Consider using a pomodoro technique in your own way like resting for 10-20 minutes each time you have done a task.

Go to have a walk to clear out all fixated info or knowledge you have in your head.

When you come back from doing these chilling activities, more new ideas can be utilized and solutions buried at the corner can be found.

Resting means you can do something that does not need you actively REACT to another thing such as doom scrolling on the Internet. One TikTok video to another.

You need to learn how to rest properly in this distractive world if you are trying to accomplish good work. It will be for better efficiency and clarity thinking when you gain enough sleep and rest.

Your work flow becomes more effortlessly impactful when you make resting as a consistent habit routine because it is easier to focus after taking that rest.

So in 24 hours a day, 1/3 of the time you will use it for better sleep and rest so that you don’t have to burn out at the end in your career (or any work you love).

Remember that you are a person, not a project.

3) Take on creative tasks

The job that lets you play and do research on the topics you love can give you a good hand to do a great job. While you are able to study the work that trains you to bring more solutions, you can actively make that happen - by putting yourself on new creative tasks.

Remember the last time you did a great job for your work,

You are proud of it.

99% of the time you succeeded at what you do is not because that you focus on that tiny little tech thing you involve in.

It’s all the skill and knowledge, time and research that you put in that makes the project or your crafts work valuable to you or somebody else. You consistently work on the project and have this big amount of energy to start and complete it.

Even though it has the boring parts to go through.

So remember when you are doing a great job, it is most definitely the work that you do lets you hustle on creative tasks.

You will still be stubborn to fix and work out for little things, but it becomes a flow in your work to be creative with a solution while doing most research on the Internet.

A creative task list that helps you start a great project:

  • create drafts for your work
  • write down main tasks to get involved in the project
  • tell yourself these are the actions you will take to -> move to next stage
  • read necessary topics to get inspirations
  • have a vision for your product

These gives you opportunity to make your life’s work a reality with trial and error to find out what you really want to accomplish with the task at hand.

When you write them down on a paper through listing the lever-moving tasks, you reduce self-doubts that kills your project and get clear on your goal settings.

This moves you to get the job done easily and move past fears of being purposeless while you are in a tutorial hole.

4) Treat it as a Life Project (Deep Work)

I never really treat any of my work as a life project and it is a new concept for me living in a fast paced society.

I did love some of the works outside of work itself and I guess that happens when you do something you can make play and work together.

Whether that’s you trying to:

  • animate a story scene
  • code an interesting game
  • make a clay plushie
  • making a website for a client
  • create and start a charm business

This happens when I fully immerse myself doing a craft or learning to write a post like this.

When you start a project hoping that it will do its best, your purpose is your best friend. This is when you want to put in deep work (fulfilling hours) to complete the job given or task you create to move levers.

Gain Momentum with a Project Milestone

There is a reason why developers plan out how their systems are going to be made with documentation.

It’s to keep them easily knowing which phase they’re at, and just follow the plan or be agile with crashes comes up. But all the more, the chances to fail will be lesser when they have a good plan.

I don’t think you would say creating a good plan is delusional for anyone who is just starting out. And so there lies importance for you to vision your dreams, and have something to work on like a life project.

But the question is what does a good plan consists of which will let you work through challenges, dizzy routes and a dozen of distractions with a strong mind?

It will be to have a good purpose set on what you want to do. For the least, if you want to make sure how you can work in efficient mode and not slacking all the time.

If you do not start the thing you want to do, you stop doing anything that can make you create the good momentum in your work.

This does not mean that you no longer make progress in your future endeavors or your current work, but it sacrifices the ability for you to grow in these inner seeds of you.

You become easily lost over small failures and that’s not the thing you want when try to do best in a career.

The Nature of Work

A healthy system to make sure you continue to past levers of your work is just like playing a game.

I wouldn’t say you would like likely care for game stats or which level you have reach comparing with other players.

But you might be playing (or releasing stress with it) because it actually serves a part of your dopamine system to being happier when you just get onto the platform and play one round.

You earn badges, completed milestones - just like how you do it for a project.

And even make a celebration when you win.

This could apply to the work you do - or how you might see life as a game to just do it or play. When you lost, you quickly think of why and search up ways to better your game progress. And you love what you do when you complete the milestones.

The take is if you are want to keep your work with quality often lies manually on the studies, effort and knowledge that you keep in your head. When you educate yourself more intentionally on anything you want to do, you will make better choices and see gaps that others miss on creating better work.

Just make sure to be able to do a small celebrate when you completed a task and I believe when you are capable to do it.

Any of your life work will be deem meaningful for you, depending on what you focus on at every stage. And what is the canvas you are painting (the good work) you want to do on this planet.

These Tips Reminds You That You Do A Great Job

It’s what you can reflect, if you do them for yourself under loads of projects (and know if you love working on any of them).

  • Gain momentum on completing small milestone
  • Make a small celebrate for you
  • Able to expand the idea and continue to work creatively
  • You’re taking rest hoping to start another journey
  • Constant studying on what you want to work on

You study what you care about is what leads you doing that great job at work.

Let us talk soon.
