Hi, I'm Zenn. I write about my curiosity on humanity, building small projects and watch them grow. Everything becomes fun when I get to create.

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How to Become a Friendly Plant Pot

(a friendly human guide)

this is for you if you want to learn about what does friendliness means.

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Studying Confucian: Di Zi Gui From the Start

the road to better humankind, discipline and morals

Di Zi Gui is for the all age and something to be study about other than other beliefs you hold. Chinese philosopher Confucius help me to learn a lot during this time of era.

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What Can You Do With Web Design

(building your own website)

I'm building a new website as a beginner, again. From time to time, my studies teaches me to get into building sites but I just see it as a task. Something you make and forget about. But this site is something i want to create.

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How to Know If You Are Doing a Good Job For Your Work

(track your progress easily)

This reminds me the time where I can work on the projects that makes me happy. But now it has to align with what we called work. I believe that not many people combine these two together in their career but they wanted happiness.

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If You Have Experience, Write Them.

(writing gives room to improve on anything)

Find out what is truly important to you, through writing. Something you are doing everyday, just like chatting with friends. It's no difference like playing clay when you're young, you can express without having a writing degree.

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How I Practice Love and Gratitude in Daily Life

(a superpower in your daily routine)

Ever know the powerful of the energy that the sun can bring you? It's the positivity and energetic field that it will make you feel happy again. That's why they say you need to get out and be the sun kid. It's a universe gift.

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How I Started Selling T-Shirts in 30 Days

(make your own designs)

I tried making designs and sell them on t-shirt products using print on demand a few years back then. A lot of trials and errors were there to know how to make sales. Here's how I will begin to make and sell them again in 2024.

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How to Stop Negative Thoughts in Your Daily Life

(Understanding How Your Music Playlist Works)

Music has been one of my biggest passion and I never knew it could impact my life negatively if I feed myself sad songs during tough times. But I've always cared about how bad listening habits can shape my views and perspective.

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