If You Have Experience, Write Them.

(writing gives room to improve on anything)

Learning to write is a good way to teach yourself about simplifying concepts into actions when you don’t have clarity.

What can writing do for you?

1. You gain clarity to what you want to achieve.

Writing is the good teacher that slows you down on execution first. But it helps you to take charge of life when you really sit down and write about what do you see yourself in. eg: Are you happy with your current life?

When you give input to how are you currently doing by journaling or writing down what you appreciate in life, you can find out on what works for you, in terms of effort, small success, and what do you pay attention to in life.

Knowing what you pay attention to lets you:

  • manage your own habits better (for study, eating healthy, exercise)
  • have awareness on your well being
  • reduce distraction that keeps you away from starting

You can choose to ditch the bad habit and take control of your life which in the end meaning more freedom to what you want to be creating.

2. Don’t just Become a Consumer, But a Creator of Your Life

Write down what your vision is, and even start an anti-vision journey to get you to the path you want.

Anti-vision is the mindset or habits you don’t want to see yourself be in when going down the road figuring out what can life be like.

It might be hard to take action at first, but once you write it down you have actionable steps for you tackle on to getting there.

The path that you want

  1. To get there you’ll need steps to break down
  2. Obtaining the skillset require you to get there
  3. You study about the relevant topics
  4. Stop juggling a lot of things at once, and focus on one thing at a time

This helps to create better quality work, earn good rest and habits that will make you grow quicker actually and enjoy the process of learning.

There’s so much to consume out there, but we seldom create from what we have consume on the Internet.

So if you have a long term vision (which can change overtime),

Remember to take steps that can let you reach that small goal, like make something from the skills you learn. This is how you can do the work you love while learning + producing the work.

  1. writing is a form of expression you can harness to think
  2. resting helps you generate ideas to make creation
  3. reading is the breathing you do to consume new information (to stimulate your mind NOT making it reactive)
  4. creating is the muscle exercise you do to breathe out and express your work, life and craft.

You need these to give input and outputs for your brain, the only difference with implementing these new habits and when you’re NOT are that:

The process will have more clarity when you love learning and consume with awareness.

Not only that, you also learn to give feedback to the world. This helps you acquire new skills which are essential to achieve a new milestone.

3. Accumulate small milestones and record them down

Writing down your experiences are like setting small goals for yourself and learning how to get there.

To obtain a skill might require a long time for you to master it, but when you break it down to small success, it helps you build better projects and work that can be expanded to more ideation down the road.

More ideation = Opportunities you want to work with (what you love to do)

We should be thankful with technologies help us learn about how others’ workflow can lead us to bring a benefit product to the world.

While learning to obtain their skillset, we make something new and record the experience (workflow) in different ways of medias to see how ideas can come into reality and benefit each other.

4. Express yourself in one of the oldest ways with words.

I’m quite a bit of an old fan for all things vintage and stuff - so writing lets me be ready with what I want to do, especially with a pen and paper.

You can try expressing yourself in these ways to see how far you’ve grown since young and knowing what do you care about. This is not to let everything you like to be set in stone.

But learn to give an output when you think life is too busy to have anything done.

Life is not just all about work, even though a big part of our time is carved out to do that.

This is also what writing helps me do:

  • a video to talk about a topic
  • create what is meaningful to me
  • sharing what can be helpful to the humankind

When you can express yourself better, it improves your skills to communicate and create what you want to develop as an individual. It’s not meant to make things complicated, but at least you gain new insights for the next stage of a project, a belief, or who do you want to be.

Writing allows you take a step further to achieve your goals when you are in a stunted growth.
