How to Stop Negative Thoughts in Your Daily Life

(Understanding How Your Music Playlist Works)

“I used to think all music is good.”

“As long as I feel good in the music, then it’s a good one.”

If it doesn’t, then I celebrate for it’s uniqueness.

Since it’s just another genre.

Someone out there would’ve loved it if I don’t.

There is no particular definition on what bad music is (and there will never be), if I didn’t realize how can it affect my brain + shaping my thoughts in the long term.

My daily thoughts and how I approach things.

It became a lot of emotions flowing through while I listen to music.

Imagine this is how it happened, often music, is like a Willy Wonka chocolate machine that comes with different tasty delicious sweets. These sweets gave flavors and make you feel a certain way when you swallow them.

Contagious, happy, sad, anger, bitterness and melancholy.

When you eat them, they gave you peace or a way to release your stress to instantly feel better in a way.

After all it is just music right? How can it impact so much to our lives up to making it detrimental for us? There are so much more bad stuffs on the world and music could be one of the better shell to escape our blues.

But if you remember what Wonka prepared the chocolate for, these sweets do have consequences that comes with to bend someone else’s emotion and well being, when not used at the right amount or consuming with awareness.

Knowing what music you listen to can save your life.

You become rage, feel the anger or sadness in the soul music that makes you really resonate with it.

These are what I meant by the negative thoughts that are unintentionally inducing in your brain. They can compound and affect how one can perceive things. Obviously not everyone else would be greatly affected by chilling over another song, but 99% of the time you would admit that while listening to something you love, it somehow can make you feel a certain emotion, either good or bad.

And that’s what we are talking about today, on what music can do to you in the long run and overcoming your silly negative thoughts.

How to Break the Cycle of a Bad Mental Health with a Listening Habit

There are patterns that you and me can notice in the young people of our age.

One of the obvious ones would be:

“When we are sad, we listen to sad music and felt like it resonates with us.”

It resonates with or comfort us without we trying to communicate or being understood by somebody. It’s THAT on point.

And you think,

“Somebody out there must have understood me to be able to make a song like this.”

I would admit that I’m one of them.

I even feel like sometimes when listening to sad music, when I didn’t really put my mind into it, it is just another melody that plays to calm my emo state of mind.

That I didn’t feel bad.

I feel calm, humbled by these melodic notes, and the person who wrote and sang them.

But something change when I realize I was in a more depressing state.

I find out when I’m really down, the sad music doesn’t really help to elevate my mood. And if I continue, I know it would have cause a disruption to my nerve and mind.

Sometimes high, sometimes low.

Which means when stress comes around, I am hopeless whenever I’m listening to a single music or not. I started searching about ways to be happy, and know that there isn’t a real cure because happiness isn’t found when you search it. It should be around somehow, whenever you’re in the flow, or a hobby activity you love doing.

Listening to music is one of it. So now?

“You’re telling me a way to stay happy and have bad things outta life is you gonna stop listening to all music?!”

No, I’m not telling you to quit listening music.

Not critical minded until I closed up all my mind to realise technology is great for me to have found gems in the music industry. But I wanted to know what impacts my daily thoughts and habits that can maintain my well being.

What I found out to be better along the journey is to stay positive.

It has helped me in tremendous ways to get up from low points, stressed out times and pick me up like a mom does to a lion cub. I was given a chance to turn to a better leaf.

And it all change not just because of coincidence, but the way of learning to be positive.

Idk about you, but people at my age - there are some who would think staying positive is a quote/platitude. In my city, I would argue that most of us who’s trying to stay positive would just get rid of the problem without reasoning as this is just easier to survive and shift in life. (i suspect this is caused by a quick pace city life, we no longer have time for slow practices.)

And being the slow one, it’s just easier for me to slowly realize staying positive has its strengths to help someone go through bad timings.

Also making good habits that stick or a routine that makes you energetic can help to work your way up.

Staying positive can make way for the good work, and your well being.

It’s not just a quote to elevate your thinking and you do nothing about it. You need to actively find ways to make you shift to a better mindset, especially when you’re down and in reality be exposed to different kinds of distractions on this world that could make you a better person, or the opposite.

Even though I don’t think this necessarily mean you have avoid all the bad stuff and stop recognizing them, because awareness is double-sided when you know what is bad, that is when you can figure out what is good for you, with duality. You can act with better decisions once you understand what is important to you.

And for that I put importance on how maintaining a well being is essential for my workflow and encourage good creative energy into my mindset.

I think they have a belief to people like me, I don’t know what it is called again.

Being positive changed my views from sad silly thoughts to great ones, shift my mood and make ways for me to start new adventures.

It happens the same when I try to listen to music.

Hearing out music can give you strength to wander around your thoughts, imaginations and who you want to be at your deepest core.

But sometimes we don’t know it can give us hiccups. (even when you’re not addicted to it).

We rarely talk about how music can be a poison and there do have many other dangerous things where we can go into which can be more intoxicated in life.

“At least we’re not getting into drugs.”

However if you have been at a constant low point, wondering why is it that you keep feeling fatigue or working mindlessly (sometimes lost), I may have the answer to this after reading about how positivity can help.

Which all of this is about how our energy affects our mind, health, brain system and why can we feel bad about the slightest things in life.

In today’s chapter, I’m telling you how I gain back peace after stopping listening to countless music in my musical zone.

It felt great, you know when you just don’t depend on something to make you feel better at all times.

"Sometimes there were buzzing sounds all around because I was listening to it in prolong times and my ears are sore."

"It feel good when it stop buzzing."

I just want you to know that it might not be good to listen for a long time with a headphones for your ear.

Your ear needs a rest too.

But that wasn’t the only point for this chapter.

If you don’t learn how to manage your emotions better (or is feeling sad most of the time),

Having many downpour thoughts aka long downtime, there may be a reason that greatly impact why this happened.

It is caused by your music playlist.

“Yes the music that you listened to everyday.”

Listening to sad, melancholic music can make you feel resonated and being understood, but it isn’t always helping you to develop a positive mindset. Or worse, you could feel bad in the cycles of these mental gymnastics that can make you feel weak and down.

So to reduce negative thoughts, a good way to practice is by listening to music that aren’t bringing you sad vibes, depressing moods which can bring anger and hatred feelings into your heart.

“Your soul is linked to what your heart is, and it will affect how you well you feel, how you think and express your feelings.”

In short, what you listen is part of who you are. That’s why we all are crazy with the music we like.

Because it’s part of who we want to be ideally, or have been one in the music clubhouse.

This doesn’t mean you can’t listen to music tapes anymore and you certainly wouldn’t let that happen if you are an avid listener or a loyal fan, but it would be wise as you listen to these rhythmic flow, notice if they change your patterns or habits to see things as a way of life.

“Did they make you think that this is all over?”

“Or would they usually make you feel nice with yourself, or dance it with everybody else.”

Negative feelings are not supposed to be avoided. But only we can tell if we channel more of it through one of these listening experiences. It is like your daily mantra.

If you keep expanding these feelings, and unfortunately if they are bad for your mental energy, then you are doing a dangerous move to your health.

You make yourself get sick with these music that make you feel the pain.

And this is how your mental health is neglected when lyrics and rhythms you read in are only about sadness, dissatisfactions or how you used to have a dream to take over the world.

It makes you mentally be filled with bad emotions and never know how to do about it if you keep these sad songs on loop.

To say it all again, music can give you strength when it is super relatable and resonates well to you at certain times, but we do not know how these songs are put into concepts behind by their authors, songwriters actually. A sad song could be addressing how you feel but it doesn’t necessary help to relieve saddening times.

It might have been addicted to listen to during tough times and feel like someone in the universe is giving you a pat at the back.

But it can leave you a bad mood if the song’s energy overpowers your own energy, and you continue to circulate these bad feelings in your DNA sets. Then it could make you feel worse and have more negative thoughts towards other issue.

There might have no right or wrong to the question of:

“Is the music in the market currently expressing what will be for a good life?"
“Sayings that if you’re too down listening to a song, it could be that you’re just a weak person, has nothing to do with music itself”.

But in the end as a human being - for you who wants a good life, I believe you’ll need a minimum awareness in what you listen to, consume and create (while you try to enjoy life but not doing something detrimental to your health.)

That is how you can enjoy a better life.

So here I am only giving you another option to make way for happiness. Choose what you’re consuming daily, what music you listen to, if you want doses of positivity that can impact your life long term.

With taking care your well being, meaning it is laid in every moment you live and we certainly can’t help but to know if we did our best to maintain happiness.

"We can have downtimes just like internet world."

But how can you elevate your thoughts to feel better most of the times?

You choose to take on something good to your health and don’t leave it far behind until it has gone really bad you started wondering why.

We can still make our life meaningful without the need of having dramatic plots in music, sorrows, anger or pain to make it beautiful.

If you can chase what’s meaningful to you in a music, then make it correlates with your health, mind and soul. Do they align with making you stay happy, and serene sometimes?

If the music did, then they passed good energy to you. Not only you can feel strong, but great within yourself as you no longer have to hold onto an egoistic mind that makes or break you sometimes.

But not all songs do that. And it’s tricky to know if you can heal with a song or get trapped in a depressing loop.

That is all we are facing today and we don’t feel responsible to ourselves to understand what great music does to our brain and fostering our mindset with the lyrics behind.

Sometimes it’s just for the fun and chill. Rocking your entire sadness to a way out.

Bringing you to somewhere you’ve never seen before, or have experienced.

It makes us express ourselves freely in these moments, almost perfectly.

But it also makes us do not know how to solve different emotional problems through good practice like talking to ourselves, expressing it to a friend or family, or even writing long notes like this.

The scariest part will be to think of music as a hole to hide in all your sadness, resentments and let it go through that way. Without leaving your body.

You’ll know it if it constantly mind you.

Like the old Facebook era friend who clicks that “Poke You” button and remind you that it’s time to go back to the sad times without feeling a single change.

It says “Come Find Me!” and you’ll not know that this mean you're creating more bad thoughts in your data memories, that will ultimately affect your well being.

Just like if you eat trash, the trash will give you good feelings for that current moment. But after that? It puts you in bad health if the trash stays in your body longer than expected.

Putting trash (eating excessive snacks, inconsistent meals) into your body gives it a hard time to digest, maintain and absorb what is good for you, less nutrients collected in your body etc.

Listening to music does the same.

If you keep listen to music that keeps you at a low point, what values can it reflect back to your life?

Perhaps we just think straightforwardly, when we want more positive feelings, we find it with good music, not the opposite which makes us stay miserable and down-pouring our mind energy.

“So what do you do when these timings come knocks their door and finding you again?”

All you need to do is to have some awareness.

In what you put time into, how you balance these problems and taking care of your emotional headspace.

One way to stop negative emotions when you feel hollow minded is to feel gratitude in what you already have.

Appreciate what is good for us already and you’ll feel happier.

Practice to be loving and grateful are the keys to make you feel happy again. It’s simple to understand this advice, but we have to put it into practice to learn what is good for us by truly experimenting it ourselves.

So what i recommend here is for you to make a new habit - To put love into whatever you have, whatever you do and be grateful about what is given to you.

From these practice and moments, you compound more positivity energy that gave you strength to become who you want to be, and is attracting more opportunities that make you feel better.

By doing this, you also learn to let go and not worrying if the negative feelings remained.

Because you learn the way to make space for positive feelings and thoughts.

Just like decorating a new room except this is from your heart, and you do it with love and gratitude you will be shown a beautiful way out. And your room is filled again.

When your mind is unclear and you listen to more music, it can be a disaster. You might be entangled with disruptive feelings cultivated from the songs, use it as distractions and work with an unfocused mind.

Though you feel that time pass fast while you listen.

This isn’t the way out to express feelings especially when you’re feeling down.

Choosing to take care of your well being will make you feel better.

You eat well, get hydrated, have enough sleep, or listen to a little positive tune. Those can get you on track to move forward or you can start a music fasting just like what I did previously, to reduce addictions and get my mind focused.

More importantly, by practicing these provides me more space on what is helpful to change to a better mindset long termed, and learning to be resilient again.

And then when you get on track with a consistent habit, perhaps you can work more on healing, expressing it better through different methods or continue to take care of your heart, mind and soul. Those things that bring you positive energy, include them to transform yourself into a better person.

Everybody has their own values but your values could be affected by the things you read, consume, by adopting a belief around you too. That’s why it would be useful to stick around with positivity for a long run, because what you prepare gets you ready and shielded from just like when you need an umbrella during a rainy day.

“Sometimes when it’s a downpour we all know that it’s not a super great feeling.”

That’s why you need to give yourself a good grip to what brings you your well being by starting with some good habits.

The umbrella metaphor applies to all sorts of things in life, but today this tells you to pay attention to what kind of music you’re listening to, and your music playlist patterns can make or break you while you grow every single day.

Talk soon.

- Zenn